Wednesday, January 6, 2010

今天 我跟他面对面 碰面 但不是两个人 而是 我回班上 拿电话的时候 看到他 此时 我的心面

有一种很牵挂 又想他的感觉 但与此同时 我的心告诉我他的心里 已有别人 别再想他了 但我觉得 他有如我的护身符


Saturday, August 29, 2009

long time didnt update my blog bcs is busy with something dis few day i ver miss
somwone if u are my friend den u noe who is him. I keep watching some drama show at pps
but at the time i oso scared of the virus on thursday nit when it was 11 something i had fall
asleep but half an hour later i suddenly woke up by having a bad dream tat is the computer
virus i scared until i cant fall asleep i try it before 2 ask my mum bring the letop out from my
room n put it in the living room so i can have a gud dream in my mind but it cant bcs there is
no phone line outthere even thought when it was hack u just bring it n fix it the computer but
consider i still scared i hope my heart dun have the bad memories in my mind either my heart . XD

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
